Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hokie in the pokey

If anyone is curious why I haven't been running constant Vick updates, I'd like to point out that I ran with the story way back on April 26th, before the NFL draft. One of the benefits to having a blog is I don't have to wait for a second source - if it passes my smell test, it's good enough for me. Now ESPN Outside the Lines has a source that says Vick was a whale in the dog-fighting "industry" since 2000, which is before he was drafted. Now on one hand, that's good news for Vick because he can't be punished for what he did before he was an NFL player. On the other hand, how does he have the time and resources to train dogs, bet large sums of money on them, go to class, and be Big East player of the year at the same time? Perhaps he got paid large sums of money while at Virginia Tech?

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