Friday, June 15, 2007

NFL is King Movie Review - Ghost Rider

A couple of nights ago I watched Ghost Rider on DVD. The story behind it's production reminds me of a combination of Aquaman and Medellin from Entourage. Aquaman because it's a superhero movie and the casting decisions that generally entails (Nic Cage vs Johnny Depp, JLo vs Eva Mendes). Medellin because this is basically Cage's passion project: he was tabbed for the role in 2001 and he has a Ghost Rider tattoo that had to be concealed during filming.

The plot of the movie is basically Johnny Blaze (Cage) and Roxanne Simpson (Mendes) are teens who are going to leave home and elope, until Blaze makes a deal with the devil and leaves Simpson to become a professional daredevil. Nic Cage is over 10 years older than Eva Mendes. I actually had an easier time believing that Cage sold his soul to the devil than that he's the same age as Mendes. I can usually buy the superhero premise, but I simply could not suspend disbelief on this issue.

Fun popcorn flick, though. Extremely cheesy. I give it 5/10.

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