Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm a Joker, I'm a Brokeback Smoker

It appears this is the first pic of Heath Ledger in Joker makeup for the 2008 follow up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight. Some observations: he appears to have six fingers on his right hand, and scars on his cheeks at the edges of his mouth. I don't know where they are going with the six fingers, but I'm not surprised about the scars. The word was the director was going for a more realistic depiction of Gotham, like the Ra's al Ghul comes back from the dead with "parlor tricks" as opposed to the Lazarus Pit in the comic. So maybe the scars contribute to his omnipresent smile. It's be hard to come up with a realistic premise for the makeup, though.

In the comic, the Joker was originally the Red Hood, either a continuous or rotating member of a group that committed robberies depending on the source, and he fell into a vat of chemicals. In The Killing Joke, pretty much the definitive Joker origin story, a nameless comedian is recruited to play the part of the Red Hood in a gang, the idea being victims remember the Red Hood but not the members of the gang, and if he's caught, they can get another Red Hood. Batman knocks this Red Hood into a vat of chemicals and he comes out looking like a deranged clown.

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